PSU MOOC Courses Total 77 courses Computer ScienceArtificial Intelligence Lit... 31630| December 16, 2024MOOC-ENGLeveraging ChatGPT for Exce... 30963| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGCultural Heritage Developme... 25565| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGNora Dance for Personality 25533| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGEnglish Grammar Unlocked (... 25694| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGDigital Civil Servant Compe... 30814| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGChinese Language for work 30845| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGChinese for Airline Services 30774| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGGreen warehouse and invento... 30822| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGChinese for Tourism Business 30751| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGImport products from China ... 30741| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGEnglish for Professional Ho... 30800| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGHow to be Money Maker with ... 30739| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGAI Content Creation for Sal... 30759| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGCarbohydrate Counting for D... 30724| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGSlow global warming with hy... 30707| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGBasic Graphs with Python: S... 30724| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGThai for Tourism (for forei... 25535| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGSeagrass Blue Carbon: Oppor... 30717| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGNature-based Solutions for ... 30723| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGWonderful world of seagrass... 30726| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGYeast and Anti-Aging 30688| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGThe Art of Presenting Data ... 30734| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGAesthetics in Caring for Pa... 30714| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGBasic First Aid for teenagers 30707| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGPalliative Care and End of ... 30750| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGCaring for sick children re... 30691| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGPromote Wellness of Older P... 30693| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGIntegrated Care for Bed Bou... 30674| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGNew laws to combat cyber... 30697| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGRehabilitation in Stroke an... 30691| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGKeep your brain fit with Ru... 30687| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGDon’t wait to be waste 30683| October 16, 2024MOOC-ENGCommunication in the Workplace 25802| August 6, 2024MOOC-ENGDevelop a brand value propo... 25120| August 6, 2024MOOC-ENGIslamic Personal Finance 19263| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGEmpathic skill 26798| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGDigital Government 20428| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGAutomated Business with RPA... 18914| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGFrom birth to death, what t... 25892| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGData Analysis using R 21981| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGTHAI PERFORMING ARTS 18358| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGTHAI MUSIC 18152| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGBasic German Communication 2 24232| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGBridging the Cultural Gaps ... 19545| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGSorting Algorithms 18357| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGGerman for Tourism 20233| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGFrench From Home: Vocabular... 20164| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGHow to Create a Lean Canvas... 18492| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGBiomass energy with the cal... 20400| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGBasic First Aids for Travel... 24647| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGECONOMY SYSTEM MANAGEMENT I... 17886| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGMind Retreat 20127| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGMaritime Transportation for... 18430| March 22, 2024MOOC-ENGYoung and Smart Agripreneur... 18672| March 21, 2024MOOC-ENGINTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS 18414| March 21, 2024MOOC-ENGSubstance related disorder ... 19055| March 21, 2024MOOC-ENGEnglish in the Hospital 22761| March 21, 2024MOOC-ENGRisk Communication in Commu... 18369| March 21, 2024MOOC-ENGChinese Communication in We... 21191| March 21, 2024MOOC-ENGLearning English through news 27896| March 21, 2024MOOC-ENGBasic ocular examination in... 18837| March 20, 2024MOOC-ENGSea Turtles Conservation Gu... 19484| March 20, 2024MOOC-ENGMassage therapy in office s... 20137| March 20, 2024MOOC-ENGBasic Design for Control an... 18881| March 20, 2024MOOC-ENGSolidWorks® Finite Element ... 18159| March 20, 2024MOOC-ENGสรรสาระภาษาอังกฤษ (Essentia... 2061| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGThai Listening and Speaking... 3701| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGE-Orientation Guide for Inb... 1322| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGE-Orientation Guide for Out... 1347| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGTOEIC Preparation Part 3: R... 2407| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGTOEIC Preparation Part 2: L... 2028| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGTOEIC Preparation Part 1: V... 2802| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGCross – Cultural Communicat... 1576| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGIndonesian language and Cul... 1391| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGIndonesian language and Cul... 1456| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGIntermediate Conversational... 1731| February 14, 2023MOOC-ENGStory writing in the Englis... 1678| January 31, 2023 รายวิชาเพิ่มเติม Education and Innovative Learning Academy (EILA) AddressPrince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus9th Fl., Learning Resource Center Office (LRC Building 1)15 Kanchanawanich Rd.Hat Yai, Songkhla Thailand 90110 Office Phone+66 (0) 7428 9213 Facebook Youtube