Story Writing in the English Language

By Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University

Course Description

      The course teaches the basic skills in writing stories, specifically, a narrative. It teaches the story genre, its sub-genres, and the purpose of narratives. It is followed by a reading of a well-written children’s story. It identifies the features of that story such as its stages, phases, and language. It discusses how to construct sensory languages appropriate for stories. All the knowledge learnt are used in brainstorming and constructing a story of your own.

Learning Outcomes

LO1 : Know what stories are, their sub-genres, and their purposes
LO2 : Understand a children’s story by reading
LO3 : Determine the stages, phases, and linguistic features of a well-written story
LO4 : Construct sensory languages for stories
LO5 : Write a story based on the stages, phases and linguistic features of a well-written story

Assessment and Evaluation criteria



Monaliza Hernandez Mamac

Foreign Lecturer
Faculty of Education

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