Business Analytics with MS Excel

By Faculty of Islamic Sciences (FAIS), Prince of Songkla University

Course Description

      Nowadays, Business Analytics is very important since it helps small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as large firms optimize their performance. Also, Job market demand for professionals in Business Analytics is enormous and massive. Accordingly, it is a great opportunity for PSU students and Alumni to get this trendy MOOC. This course will enhance their hands-on skills and concepts of Business Analytics. It starts from zero level to intermediate level of knowledge and practice. Also, it will help them get an eminent position in the market reflecting a good image of PSU graduates.
      Moreover, no experience or degree required. This course will prepare participants for a new and required career in the high-growth field of Business Analytics. Also, it will provide them an immersive understanding of practices and processes used by data analysts in their day-to day jobs. This MOOC employs MS Excel as a professional tool of Business Analytics. It gives participants key analytics skills and tools as well as data visualization

Learning Outcomes

LO1 : Enabling all participants to recognize, understand and apply skills of Business Analytics.
LO2 : Understanding and critically applying Business Analytics methods by using MS Excel.
LO3 : Learning how to visualize and present data findings in dashboards creating visible solutions to decision makers.
LO4 : Learning and professionally applying key statistical skills and tools.

Assessment and Evaluation criteria


Dr. Mohamed Soliman
Islamic Business Innovation Department

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