English for Communication : Intermediate Plus

Course Description

This course will focus on intermediate plus level of English skills. The learners can infer links of different parts of listening and reading texts related to most aspects of everyday life and summarize their main points. The learners can communicate in written and spoken forms by describing experiences and events, plans and ambitions, briefly giving supporting details as necessary.

Learning Objectives

LO1 :   Can recognize speakers’ point of view/ agreement or disagreement on topics that are of current interest or that relate to his/her specialized field.

LO2 :   Can report straightforward factual information on a familiar topic, for example to indicate the nature of a problem or to give detailed directions, provided he/she can prepare beforehand.

LO3 :   Can identify the main conclusions in clearly signaled argumentative texts, the purpose of text, and identify where the text is found.

LO4 :    Can give his/her impressions and opinions in writing about topics of personal interest (e.g. lifestyles and culture, stories), using basic everyday vocabulary and expressions.

Assessment and Evaluation criteria


Screenshot 2566-07-04 at 14.24.40
Screenshot 2566-07-04 at 14.24.25

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