English Grammar Unlocked (Upper-Intermediate)
Course Description
Adverbs, types of adverb clauses including adverb clause of time, place, manner, condition, contrast, reason, purpose and result; participial phrase modifying verbs; misrelated participial phrases and corrections
Learning Outcomes
- LO1: Learners can correctly construct sentences using various types of adverbial clauses.
- LO2: Learners can reduce adverbial clauses to phrases, making sentences more concise, and easier to understand.
- LO3: Learners can analyze and correct errors when the subject and verb in a participial phrase do not correspond (misrelated participial phrases).
- LO4: Learners develop confidence in using English, especially in writing and reading complicated sentence structures.
Assessment and Evaluation criteria
- Length
- Price
- Level
- Target Group
- How To Pass
- Certificate
- 5 learning hours
- Free
- Upper-Intermediate
- Everyone
- Complete all activities and pass post-test, total: 60%
- Yes

- Jiraporn Yiamkhamnuan, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Commerce and Management